Possible useful other websites/contacts :-
bound by its Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy and subject to the Professional Conduct Procedures therein - www.bacp.co.uk
Relationships - Relate www.relate.org.uk Relationship issues
Alcohol Concern - www.acloholconcern.org.uk The national agency on alcohol misuse.
Drugs (Frank) - www.talktofrank.com Drugs are illegal, talking about them isn’t.
Sexuality and advice and information - www.supportline.org.uk
EFT - www.eftuniverse.com for free information on revolutionary tapping techniques
Matrix Reimprinting - www.matrixreimprinting.com
PSYCH-K - https://psych-k.com
Samaritans - www.samaritans.org
NB: This web site is for information only. No liability can be accepted for the accuracy of the information contained on it.